Browse Items (1719 total)

7 photos. Nordby, Carmichael, Cooper, Zandstra and one other not identified.

CBSC Office Staff 2021.jpeg
Nordby, Carmichael, Cooper and others depicted

Mary Nordby, Teriann Carmichael, Alyssa Cooper, Heidi Estabrooks, Julius Tomé and Sadie Larkin

1968 July PNO 13Jul (3).jpg
8 photos. Depicts Barker, MacInnes, Gair, Brewster, Forst, Coulthard and Hutchison.

1968 PNO Barn Dance 16Aug (19).jpg
21 photos - Confirm the night! Lots of parties in 1968, Might be duplicate events in the archives. Photos might be from the 50th Anniversary party or "Calypso Party". Geoghegan, Howard. Hutchison, Schultz, and others depicted.

1969 July PNO 11July.jpg
L to R: Unknown and Pat Elliott

2013 parents 25Aug (1).JPG
Three photos

Past CBSC President Badge VanWart 1987.88.jpg
Actual badge is stored in the physical archives

1967 Penthalon.jpg

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