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1966 Swim lessons tidal Pool - Vicky Hutchison & Kellly Fergusson.JPG
Three photos. Depicts Vicky Hutchison and Kelly Fergusson

1963 Tidal Pool swimming lessons.jpg
One photo

1972 Mathisen Burrell Dawson Barker.jpg
Depicts Edworthy, Mathisen, Burrell, Dawson, Barker, Hudson, Fahy, MacDonald, Barnett, and others not identified.

1969 swimming lessons (1).jpg
Three photos

1960s early lessons Hetherington . Hudson . Biggs . Mattson . Brewster . Cunningham . Elliott #263.jpg
Hetherington, Hudson, Biggs, Mattson, Brewster, Cunningham, and Elliott. Brewster(s), Shultz, and coach Gair. Salmon and Lougheed.

1980 Macdonald Williams men.jpg
MacDonald and Williams depicted

Swimming at CB 3.jpg
Two photos


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