Browse Items (1719 total)

2000 Swim Lessons with Edworthy Lance.jpg
3 photos. Sarah, Kathleen, Mary Kate, Edworthy, and Madison depicted.

1987 Swimming Lessons (1).jpg
Four photos. Horne, Maughan and others depicted.

1980 Lessons Nordby Abernethy.jpg
Carol Abernethy, Mary McNeil, Molly McNeil, Kate McNeil, and Drew Ratcliffe depicted

Depicts Rosette boys, Mae Montgomerie, Carolyn Barker, Claudia Phillips, and others not identified

1961 lessons at Wicksons.jpg
One photo.

1950s lessons at Wicksons 2.jpg
Three photos. Depicts Mairi MacRitchie (Coulthard) coaching.

1970 Swimming Lessons at Tidal Pool 1.jpg
Two photos.
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