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1920 Mayor Gale_s Summer Cottage at CB .jpg
2 photos

1998 Men's Golf (1).jpg
8 photos

Three photos. Individual winner: Cam Nelson. Winning Team: Kevin Estabrooks, Ewart Nordby, Brian Clendenin, Anders Nordby. Long Drive Winners: Joe Hudson and Dan Dawson.

2009 Mens Golf 16Aug (1).JPG
3 photos. Barker, Edworthy, Nordby and DeLeeuw depcited.

1992 Men's Golf 16Aug (1).jpg
20 Photos. Hager, Barker, Maughan, Brewster, Edworthy, and others

2002 Mens golf 11Aug (1) Barker.jpg
6 photos. Hager, Barker, Edworthy, and others depicted.
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