Browse Items (72 total)

156 photos. Includes Tanker Certificate.

dinner at Tanks 19Aug2018 (1).JPG
69 photos. Anderson, Watson, Powell and others not identified.

15 photos. Adele Harmer and her Kidd Medal depicted.

WhatsApp Image 2023-09-04 at 9.12.44 PM (4).jpeg
4 photos. Van Wart, Glanville and others not identified.

2006 Aug Gala tank Swim Sarah Lance .  Alison Armstrong  tank swim.jpg
Photos and list.

2001 Aug Gala Post tank swim.jpg
5 photos. Lance, McGavin and Lukas depicted. Includes Tanker list.

2000 July Gala tanker swim (1).jpg
Six photos. Wright, MacDonald and others depicted.
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