Browse Items (1718 total)

1980s Tennis Coach Chris Armstrong.jpg
Two photos. Depicts Catharine McGavin and Chris Armstrong

1980 Tennis Awards 23Aug Allder.jpg

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1989 Aug Gala Awards (9) Kidd Medal winners.jpg
Three photos. Heidi Nordby with her badge, and Pritchard, Tone, Carthy, and Brewster.

1989 July Gala Tank Swim 29Jul(1).jpg
Two photos. Kelly McCallum depicted.

1989 July Gala 29Jul(1).jpg
26 photos. Dawson, Barker, Gair, Horne, Stewart, Hammond, Maughan, McNeil and others depicted.

1987 Pool Open House 2July (3).jpg
Three photos. Larkin, Horne, Vowles, and others depicted.

1987 Kidd Medal winners Nordby.Dawson.Campbell.Gilley.Bryant.jpg
Nordby, Dawson, Campbell, Gilley, and Bryant depicted with CBSC swimmer Irene Strong Watler. Includes the list of August Tankers and Kidd Medalists.

1987 Swimming Lessons (1).jpg
Four photos. Horne, Maughan and others depicted.

1986 Kidd Medal winners.jpg
1 photo. Andrew Mathisen and others depicted.
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