Browse Items (318 total)

2nd annual Sailing Ctee dinner (1).jpg
4 photos.

6C9DE687-C63D-4DB3-96C5-DDBABC274530 - Shannon Davidson.jpeg
30 photos from both the July 13 and August 14, 2023 Bullhead Derby.

1988 Sandcastle Contest.jpeg
One photo. Davidsons and Hagers depicted.

WhatsApp Image 2023-08-23 at 6.40.51 PM.jpeg
7 photos. Dumont, Hartshorne, Anderson and others depicted.

WhatsApp Image 2023-08-17 at 7.32.02 AM.jpeg
8 photos. Landolt, Montgomerie, Clendenin and others depicted. Kate Montgomerie announces Sid Landolt as the next president. Wendy Clendenin wins the Volunteer Recognition Award. Gwen Watson, Steve Lukas, Elizabeth-Anne Armstrong and Andrew…

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