Browse Items (20 total)

2001 Fun Day - Mad Reid, MK Reid, Ashley W., Sarah L, Harry & Alison.jpg
2 photos. Lance, Reid, Williams and Armstrong depicted. Coach Alex Lucyk with two kids.

2000 Swim Lessons with Edworthy Lance.jpg
3 photos. Sarah, Kathleen, Mary Kate, Edworthy, and Madison depicted.

1994 Fun Day (1).jpg
6 photos. Tindle, McNeil, Dawson, Hammond, Mathisen, Barker and others depicted.

1992 Lesson Fun Day (1).jpg
12 photos. Brewster, Hager, Barker, Palombi, McNeil, Mathisen, Hudson, Powell and others depicted.

1991 Fun Day (1).jpg
10 photos. Mathisen, Brewster, Powell, Edworthy, Barker, Horne and others depicted.

1986 July Fun Day 25Jul (1).jpg
11 photos. Risk, McGavin, Radcliffe, Mathisen and others depicted.

Depicts Rosette boys, Mae Montgomerie, Carolyn Barker, Claudia Phillips, and others not identified
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