Browse Items (56 total)

1998 PNO 25July (2).jpg
16 photos. Armstrong, Maughan, Bell, Mathisen, Brookes, Betz, McNeil, Dupuis, Hammond and others depicted.

1994 PNO 16Jul (1).jpg
30 photos. Van Wart, Abernethy and others depicted. Photo with the 5 people depicts, from L to R: Robert Wall, Helen Gray, Issie Van Wart, unknown, and Maxine.

1993 PNO 17July (1).jpg
34 photos. Ron Sorenson, Thelma and Murray Edworthy, Dawson, Arne and Peggy Mathisen, Claire and Roger Hager, Mary Nordby, Maughan, Janet Hammond, Ernie Hammond, Clive Phillips-Wooley, and others depicted. Includes photos of set up.

1992 PNO 18July (16).jpg
28 photos. Perrson, Edworthy, Barker, Stewart, Dyke and others depicted.

1991 PNO .jpg
21 photos. Dawson, Burrell, Edworthy, Hudson, Jenns, Andruff, Dyke, Gilley, Hammond, Brewster, Barker, Gordon and others depicted.

1990 PNO 11Aug (1).jpg
35 photos. Van Wart, Risk, Vowles, Stewart, Mathisen, Hudson, Hager, Hammond, Jenns and others depicted.

1981 Kirkpatrick party 28June (1).jpg
7 photos

1989 PNO 22July (1).jpg
19 photos. Jenns, Brewster and others depicted.

1987 PNO 1Aug (1).jpg
33 photos. Stewart, Bell, Mathisen, Saunders, McCallum, Hunter and others depicted.

1986 PNO 19Jul (17) Mathisen.jpg
18 photos. Abernethy, Davidson, McCallum, Maughan, McKenzie, Vowles, Dyke, Glanville, Mathisen, Stewart and others depicted.
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