Browse Items (219 total)

1984 Aug Awards Gordon Hager Palombi.jpg
Kristi Gordon, Joanne Hager, Kara Palombi

1983 Aug Gala 28Aug (1).jpg
5 photos. Nordby, Larkin, McEvoy depicted.

Depicts a Paper Maché Seahorse attached to the Oppenheimer's fence. Jono Glanville taking a photo.

1966 Shelly Shield winners Robertson.Cliff.jpg

1965 Shelly Shield Steele.Mitten.jpg

1963 Shelly Shield winner - Janet Cunningham.jpg

1961 Shelly Shield Martin (2).jpg
Need full name of winner

1960s Pendleton.Elliott (6).jpg
Photo No. 1: Scott Ball in red.
Photo No. 2: Peter Ball on the far right (second place)
Photo No. 3: Frank Barker (second place), Parke Ball (third place).
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