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Past CBSC President Badge VanWart 1987.88.jpg
Actual badge is stored in the physical archives

1989 Aug Gala Awards (1) Shelly Shield winner.jpg
11 photos. Shelly Shield Winner undentified. Depicts Nordby, Hammond, Horne, Sorensen, and others.
This video includes interviews with past CBSC presidents (Duncan MacKenzie, Art Van Wart, Deborah Lukas, Bernie Fahy, and Jim Glanville), chairs of the Capital Campaign committee (Diana Maughan and Sid Landolt), and pool renovation developer Ted…


22 photos. Two emails. Depicts Fahy, Lukas, Brewster, Andruff, Dawson, Maughan, Risk and others not identified.

Two photos.

CBSC Office Staff 2021.jpeg
Nordby, Carmichael, Cooper and others depicted
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