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1989 Aug Gala Awards (1) Shelly Shield winner.jpg
11 photos. Shelly Shield Winner undentified. Depicts Nordby, Hammond, Horne, Sorensen, and others.

1986 Aug Gala Awards 24Aug(1).jpg
9 photos. Van Wart, Maughan, McLellan, Stewart and others depicted.

2013 Aug Gala Awards 25Aug (1).JPG
24 photos. Brookes, Nordby, Gair and others depicted.

54 photos. Includes the photo of Kidd Medalists, taken to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Kidd Medal. People not identified.

2018 Coaches award Katrina Shinkaruk 1.jpg
5 photos. Katrina Shinkaruk wins the Coaches Award. Ruby Kramer wins the Shelly Shield.

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