Browse Items (316 total)

1989 Evening Waterfront Event 9Aug (1).jpg
23 photos. Van Wart, McCallum, Gordon, Barker, Mathisen and others depicted.

1989 Bullhead Derby 8Aug (1).jpg
12 photos. Hager, McCallum, Larkin, Andruff, Dawson, Mathisen, and others depicted.

1989 Bullhead 18July (1).jpg
32 photos. Mathisen, Stewart, Maughan, Larkin, Nordby, Van Wart, Brewster, Dawson, Caplette, McNeil, Hammond, Jenns, Abernethy, Barker and others depicted.

9 photos. Tazlin and Taverly Pozzebon, April Davidson, and Nicholas McPherson depicted.
The winner was Riley Springate (no photo).

1990 Friday night Footraces (1).jpg
8 photos. Caplette, Jenns, Dawson, Barker, Glanville, Zickler, Horne, Gordon, Vowles and others depicted

1990 Ladies Bridge wind up 27Aug (1).jpg
4 photos

1990 Waterfront Event 8Aug (1).jpg
10 photos

1990 Sandcastle Contest 18Aug (1).jpg
5 photos. Davidson, Larkin, Mauro, Hager, Mathisen, McNeil, Brewster, Abernethy and others depicted.

1991 Sandcastle contest (1).jpg
17 photos. Hammond, Nordby, Larkin, McNeil, Hager, Mathisen, Barker, Bell, Jenns, Ratcliffe, and others depicted.
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