Browse Items (399 total)

1914 on beach The Log Cabin being built behind.jpg

1953 on the beach (2).jpg
4 photos. McLean and Manley identified.

1947 Party at Grimstons -Stewart.Nelson.Taylor.Winter.jpg
Depicts Stewart, Nelson, Taylor and Winter. Others not identified.

1960s Pendleton.Elliott (1).jpg
Nine photos.
Photo No. 1: From L-R: Jeannie Hudson (hidden), Ted Hudson, Ted Hudson, Jr., Sarah Hudson, Adelma Hudson, Pat Elliott.
Photo No. 2: L-R: Jane Frances Pendleton (Ball), Francis Pendleton
Photo No. 3: L-R: Jane Pendleton (Ball), Sue…

1960s Perssons 12265 Agar St.jpg
Two photos

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